Make Peace with Food
This 6-week course is open to anyone with a family physician at Medical Associates of Port Perry and is free to attend. Pre-registration is required. Check our Events Calendar for our next program date.
Make Peace with Food
Mediterranean Style Eating
Eating Disorders
Free Virtual Training:
"Break Free from ED" workbook modules
Please complete Module 1 before first session and continue to work through as able.
Your Recovery Resource
Free virtual training on demand for parents and caregivers
A Program fro Navigating Your Loved Ones Eating Disorder
Other Resources for Eating Disorders:
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre - BC Children's Hospital
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre - Meal support video
NEDIC - National Eating Disorder Information Centre NEDIC Helpline: 1-866-633-4220
NIED - National Initiative for Eating Disorders
F.E.A.S.T. - Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment for Eating Disorders
Diabetes Management
Here are links to documents, websites and presentations for Diabetes diet managment.
Non-Diet approach
These books are all-round excellent books for anyone:
· Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison, MPH, RD - Reclaim your time, money, well-being, and happiness through intuitive eating
· Unapologetic Eating by Alissa Rumsey MS, RD - Make peace with food and transform your life
· Fat Talk by Virginia Sole-Smith - Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture
· Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat by Michelle May MD - A mindful eating program to break your eat-repent-repeat cycle
· Your Child’s Weight -Helping Without Harming by Ellyn Satter MS RD LCSW BCD
Eating Disorders
These books will help you learn more about eating disorders:
· How to Nourish Your Child Through an Eating Disorder by Catie Crosby and Wendy Sterling
· Ed Says U Said by June Alexander and Cate Sangster - Eating Disorder Translator
· When Your Teen Has an Eating Disorder by Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD - Practical strategies to help your teen recover from anorexia, bulimia and binge eating
· Befriending Your Body by Ann Saffi Biasetti - A self-compassionate approach to freeing yourself from disordered eating
· A Parent’s Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders by Ahmed Boachie and Karin Jasper - Spotting the Stealth Bomber and Other Symbolic Approaches
· Pursuing Perfection by Margo Maine PhD, FAED, CEDS and Joe Kelly - Eating disorders, body myths, and women at midlife and beyond
Mental Health
Walking for Wellness - a weekly walk to get out and explore the community!
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT focuses on developing skills to manage depression and anxiety, and is facilitatedin person over a 6 week period. Participants will learn evidence-based CBT strategiesto manage mood and anxiety, as well as the opportunity to practice these skills. Thisprogram is best suited for individuals 18 + who experience mild to moderatedepression or anxiety and who are motivated to participate in home practice.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)
CBT-I focuses on non-pharmacological therapy for the treatment of insomnia and isfacilitated in person over a 6-week period. This is an evidence-based approach that hasproven to be more effective in treating insomnia long term than both over the counterand prescription sleep medications. Participants will learn CBT-I strategies to createbetter sleep efficiency. This program is best suited for individuals 18+ who experienceinsomnia and are motivated to make changes to their sleep habits. CBT-I is not suitablefor those who are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder oruntreated or inadequately treated Sleep Apnea.