Palliative Care Program

Palliative Care Program

The Palliative Care program is facilitated by Physicians and a Palliative Care Nurse. The nurse facilitates Hospice/Palliative Care services to those who are referred in the North Durham catchment area and the nurse continues to navigate with patients until end-of-life.

Palliative Care Program

The objectives of the Palliative Care program include:

    • People with a progressive, life-limiting illness have their palliative care needs identified early through a comprehensive and holistic approach.
    • People with a progressive, life-limiting illness know who their future substitute decision-maker is.
    • People with identified palliative care needs or their substitute decision-makers have discussions with their IHP team about their goals of care to help inform about their health care decisions.
    • People with identified palliative care needs have their pain and other symptoms managed effectively, in a timely manner.
    • Families and caregivers of people with identified palliative care needs are offered ongoing assessment of their needs, and are given access to resources, respite care, and grief and bereavement support.
    • People with identified palliative care needs, their substitute decision-makers, their family, and their caregivers have ongoing discussions with their health team about their preferred setting of care and place of death.
    • People with identified palliative care needs receive integrated care from an inter-disciplinary team.

The goals of the Palliative Care program include:

    • Identification and assessment of needs
    • Advanced Care Planning – Substitute Decision Maker
    • Goals of Care Discussions and Consent
    • Management of Pain and other symptoms
    • Caregiver Support
    • Setting of care and place of death
    • Collaboration with inter-disciplinary team-based care

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