Compliments & Concerns

At the North Durham Family Health Team, we are committed to patient-centred, quality care. In our efforts to improve our clinical services and programs, one of our goals is to expand communication with our patients through a variety of means, such as our website and electronic waiting room screens. We welcome and value our patients’ questions, concerns and suggestions for improvements, and invite patients to take advantage of the many ways that you can provide feedback:

• Leave a written comment in the comment boxes in the waiting rooms.
• Contact the management team at
• Participate in our patient experience surveys below

The Patient Experience

The North Durham Family Health Team is committed to providing the best possible services to the people we serve. We strive to provide the highest quality of healthcare and educational programs in a safe and supportive environment. If you have a concern or complaint please be assured that we would like to hear from you.

Where to Make a Complaint

We encourage you or your family to first discuss your concern with the appropriate members of your healthcare team. The doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers, and other healthcare professionals who have been involved in your care are most familiar with your particular situation. Usually they will be able to quickly resolve any issues you may have.

If these individuals are unable to resolve your concern, you can make a formal complaint, in writing, which will be directed to the Operations Supervisor (or delegate) of the North Durham Family Health Team. It is important your complaint be in writing so it is clear and we can tailor our response accordingly. It will be a great help if you are as specific as possible about your complaint. Please visit the link below to complete the Formal Complain/Concern Form.

If you are unable to submit your form electronically, please print your form and submit a paper copy to:

North Durham Family Health Team
462 Paxton Street,
Port Perry, ON
L9L 1L9
ATTN: Operations Manager

Our Process for Resolving Complaints

If you have made a formal complaint, the Operations Manager (or delegate) will:

  • Acknowledge and discuss your written complaint with you
  • Explain the complaints resolution process to you
  • Inform you of the progress of your complaint
  • Attempt to facilitate a fair, speedy and efficient resolution of your complaint
  • The Operations Supervisor (or delegate) will acknowledge your complaint ideally within seven business days. Your complaint may be presented to our Operations Committee. Of course, some complaints can be complicated to investigate and resolve, and in those cases we may need more time. The Operations Supervisor (or delegate) will keep you apprised of our estimated timelines.

When we look into your complaint, we will aim to:

  • Find out all the details regarding your complaint.
  • Facilitate an opportunity to discuss your complaint with those involved if appropriate.
  • Make all efforts to find a satisfactory resolution.
  • Identify what we can do to prevent the problem in future.

The ultimate goal of our conflict resolution process is the continuation of a good therapeutic relationship so that you can continue to receive health care services in a manner that is responsive, efficient, safe and sensitive to your needs.

Note: If your complaint involves the Operation Manager the CEO will be notified and may choose to process the complaint personally or delegate the responsibility.

Internal Reporting
Semi-annually we provide an anonymous (no names) report to the North Durham Family Health Team/Medical Associates of Port Perry Board of Directors or designated sub-committee on any compliments and complaints we have received. The purpose of such reviews will include identifying common issues and trends and identifying mechanisms for continuous improvement.

Providing Feedback
You may also wish to participate in our annual Patient Care Survey as a mechanism to provide feedback. Every year we ask all our patients to provide us with anonymous feedback so that we can hear what is working well and how we can improve. We share both positive and constructive feedback with our whole team.

If you would like to provide feedback in a more timely fashion, visit our survey section above.

Complaining on Behalf of Someone Else
We understand that family members and friends play important roles in advocating for our patients. If you wish to file a complaint on behalf of your family member or friend, please note that we have rules that we must follow with respect to privacy and patient confidentiality under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004. We will need to know that you are acting with the person’s permission. A note, signed by the person concerned, will be needed unless you are the individual’s substitute decision maker in which case evidence of this will be required.

Questions about our Complaints Resolution Process
If you have questions about our process, please contact our Administration Office (905-985-2895, ext. 0) to make an appointment with our CEO.

Complaint Policy