Diabetes-education-icon Health Care Navigator

Health Care Navigator

The purpose of the Healthcare Navigator program is to provide patient support to navigate the health care, community, and social service systems.
The Healthcare Navigator program is facilitated by a Social Worker.

 Diabetes-education-icon Health Care Navigator

The program was developed to enhance the patient experience, increase access to service, and improve health care outcomes in our community.

The Health Care Navigator works to improve coordination of patient care for patients and to reduce barriers by working with different groups.   Navigators work to facilitate timely treatment by identifying patient needs and directing them to sources of emotional, financial, administrative, employment, education or legal support.


Services offered include:

  • Assistance in navigating health care and social service system supports
  • Facilitation of timely services and treatment through direction to sources of emotional, financial, administrative, employment, education, or legal support
  • Assistance with form completion
  • Supporting patients to learn self-navigation skills
  • Supporting patients following post hospital discharge

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