Sexual-Health-Clinic-icon Sexual Health Clinic


Sexual Health Clinic

We provide individuals with sexual health information, education, counselling and referrals in a supportive, confidential and informative environment.
The Sexual Health Clinic is facilitated by Nurse Practitioners.

Sexual Health Clinic

The program was developed to enhance the patient experience, increase access to service, and improve health care outcomes in our community.

The objectives of the program are to provide accessible care to patients in the community without need to be rostered to a physician at Medical Associates of Port Perry, timely access to sexual health care, and preventing unnecessary hospital visits/Emergency Department visits.

Services offered include:

    • Birth control counselling
    • Emergency contraceptive prescriptions (ECP)
    • Free sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing/counselling/treatment and referral
    • HIV testing/counselling and referral
    • Pregnancy testing/counselling and referral
    • Sexual orientation, gender identity and relationship counselling/referral

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