How We Can Help
The North Durham Family Health Team works along side the physicians at Medical Associates of Port Perry, taking a team-based approach to health care and wellbeing.
Our team includes Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Pharmacists, Registered Dietitians, Social Workers, Respiratory Therapists, Mental Health Counsellors and Chiropodists.
Our team of health care professionals offer clients support, in every stage of life.
Central Nursing
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The Central Nursing clinic is designed to increase access to nursing services.
Clients of a Medical Associates of Port Perry Physician or Nurse Practitioner, who require access for the following services:
Wound care
Health teaching
Ear flush
TB testing
INR Management
Enhance the client experience, increase access to nursing services, and improve health care outcomes in our community.
Registered Nurse
Registered Practical Nurse
Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required
Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 4:15PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Chronic Pain Program
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
This is a pharmacist-led program that focuses on optimal use of medications for the treatment of chronic pain. Any opioid tapering or medication changes are implemented in collaboration with your primary care provider (eg. doctor or nurse practitioner)
The chronic pain program offers an initial one-on-one consultation with the pharmacist and follow ups every 1 to 6 months thereafter.
Clients may be referred to other interdisciplinary providers within the team depending on unique needs.
Clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry.
Clients of Nurse Practitioners of the North Durham Family Health Team.
To improve chronic pain management while using opioid medications safely.
Nurse Practitioner
A referral is required from a Physician or Nurse Practitioner
The criteria for referring a client includes:
Current Opioid Use: >90 MME Morphine Milligram Equivalent
Use of Opioid + Benzodiazepine Combo
Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 203 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Diabetes Education
We are an Ontario Health funded service to assist clients obtain their best health.
The Diabetes Education clinic provides care to clients who have Type 2 diabetes.
We provide a team-based approach to initial and ongoing care.
Clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry with Type 2 Diabetes
Clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry with Pre-Diabetes
Clients of a North Durham Family Health Team Nurse Practitioner with Type 2 Diabetes
Clients of a North Durham Family Health Team Nurse Practitioner with Pre-Diabetes
Manage your diabetes to improve overall health
Reduce the risk of complications and hospital admission
Provide education and awareness about diabetes management and how to set SMART goals
Diabetes Nurse Educator
Social Worker
Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required
Book appointments by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 203 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Diabetes Foot Care
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The Chiropody team at the North Durham Family Health Team provide assessment, treatment and prevention of diabetic foot conditions, to ensure limb preservation and salvage by protecting the feet.
We assess the circulation status, nerve health, skin integrity, biomechanics, and footwear of the client to determine the risk of level of getting a wound/ulcer that can lead to an amputation.
We offer treatment, patient education, and preventative measures to promote best foot health.
Diabetic clients of a family physician at Medical Associates of Port Perry with an active ulcer, present or past amputation, and current bacterial infection are priority.
Diabetic clients of North Durham Family Health Team nurse practitioners with an active ulcer, present or past amputation, and current bacterial infection are priority.
Clients with diabetes are the primary focus. This is to ensure emergent cases get help sooner than later to avoid an opening in the foot and increasing infection, that can lead to amputation.
The goals of the chiropody clinic are ultimately to avoid a lower limb amputation by starting with the feet. Avoiding and treating foot ulcers and bacterial infections are high priority for amputation avoidance.
Our program was developed to enhance the client experience, increase access to service, prevent diabetic foot ulcers and amputations, improve health care outcomes in our community, and reduce hospital admission due to poorly managed diabetes and complications caused by foot wounds and ulcers.
Services offered include:
Diabetic foot assessment
Routine foot care for clients at high risk of a foot ulcer
Foot ulcer treatment
Prescriptions for bacterial infections
Chiropodists (foot specialists who practice Podiatric Medicine)
Registered Nurse
Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required
Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday and Wednesday: 12:15PM – 1:00PM
Tuesday and Thursday 8:30AM – 4:30PM
Friday: 11:40AM – 1:00PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Dietitian Program
We are an Ontario Health funded service to assist clients with fostering a positive relationship with food and body while providing Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for chronic disease prevention and management.
The North Durham Family Health Team Registered Dietitians practice with a non-diet approach. This means that the focus of the appointments is on clients learning how to mindfully listen to their body's own innate wisdom and cues rather than following restrictive meal plans and other food rules. Weight-loss advice is not provided.
Clients of the Medical Associates of Port Perry, Nurse Practitioners of the North Durham Family Health Team and the Unattached Patient Clinic. These clients are able to access individual and group programs.
All individuals residing in North Durham Region may access community outreach events (See the Group Workshops & Events page for details).
To help foster a positive relationship with food and body through a non-diet, weight-inclusive approach, where the emphasis is on improving overall health and well-being rather than weight-loss.
Provide Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for chronic disease prevention and management.
Promote evidence-based mindfulness, embodiment and intuitive eating practices in individual appointments, group programs and community outreach events.
Registered Dietitians
Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is not required for one-on-one counselling, but is welcomed
To self-refer, clients may call 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 203 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Health Care Navigator
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The Healthcare Navigator program provides patient support to navigate the health care, community, and social service systems. A few of the supports we provide include:
Assist with form completion (ODSP, OW, CPP-D, EI)
Caregiver supports
Referrals and advocacy to local agencies (mental health, employment, financial support)
For clients of a family physician at Medical Associates of Port Perry.
For clients of nurse practitioners at the North Durham Family Health Team.
All clients living in Port Perry and our surrounding North Durham community.
The Health Care Navigator role was developed to enhance the client experience, increase access to service, and improve health care outcomes in our community.
Social Worker
Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is welcome, and we also accept client self-referrals
Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 203 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Healthy Lung Clinic
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The North Durham Family Health Team Healthy Lung clinic provides an evidence-based approach to improve the health and quality of life of people living with lung impairment.
The clinic consists of assessment, spirometry (breathing test), education, the development of an action plan, and follow-up care for clients with lung impairment.
Clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry living with lung impairment.
Clients of nurse practitioners at the North Durham Family Health Team living with lung impairment.
To see a respirologist, we accept referrals for clients living in Port Perry and the surrounding North Durham Community.
Early screening and one on one counselling
Assist clients to learn disease self-management techniques for symptom control, inhaler techniques, cough clearance, and breathing techniques.
Respiratory Therapist
Registered Nurse
Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required
Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Heart Function Clinic
· About:
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The heart function clinic includes a multidisciplinary team that manages heart failure through client education and medication optimalization
Clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry diagnosed with heart failure with recent imaging (ejection fraction <40%).
Clients of nurse practitioners of the North Durham Family Health Team diagnosed with heart failure with recent imaging (ejection fraction <40%).
Clients living in Port Perry and the surrounding North Durham Community.
To improve quality of life, exercise tolerance, reduce emergency room visits and hospitalizations
Nurse Practitioner
o Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required
o Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
o Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
o Hours are:
Wednesday for Initials/follow-ups 8:30AM – 4:30PM
Thursday morning for follow-ups 8:30AM – 12:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Memory Clinic
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The purpose of the Memory Clinic is screening, diagnosis, and management of cognitive changes in the aging population.
The clinic was developed to enhance the clients' experience, and to improve health care outcomes in our community.
The Memory Clinic is for clients living in Port Perry and the surrounding North Durham Community, aged 65 and over, who are experiencing changes. The memory clinic team assesses the causes of memory changes and provides recommendations to improve memory function.
Improve memory function to help clients achieve their best health.
Provide caregiver support and education.
Health Care Navigator
Nurse Practitioner
Registered Nurse
Social Worker
o Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required
o You will be contacted for an appointment after a referral has been received.
o Located in Suite 203 of the North Durham Health Centre
o Hours:
Monday from 8:30AM - 12:30PM
Thursday from 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Hospital Discharge Program
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The North Durham Family Health Team discharge program was developed to assist clients upon discharge from hospital.
We complete a medication reconciliation and consider what support might be required by the client in the community. We assist with coordinating the support if required.
We assist clients to obtain a follow up appointment with their family physician if required.
The program was developed to enhance the clients experience, and to improve health care outcomes in our community.
Clients of a family physician at Medical Associates of Port Perry.
Client of nurse practitioners at the North Durham Family Health Team.
Hospital discharge planning is a process that determines the kind of care you need after you leave the hospital. Discharge plans can help prevent future readmissions to hospital and are intended to make the move from hospital to home as safe as possible.
Health Care Navigator
o Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
o Located in Suite 203 of the North Durham Health Centre
o Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Mental Health Program
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The North Durham Family Health Team provides brief therapy to clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry physicians and North Durham Family Health Team nurse practitioners.
In addition, we provide evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) group programming for Anxiety/Depression or Insomnia, which is available to all individuals living in North Durham, age 18 years and older.
Clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry.
Clients of nurse practitioners of the North Durham Family Health Team.
Clients living in Port Perry and the surrounding North Durham Community.
Individual one-on-one therapy appointments are reserved for those who are clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry and nurse practitioners of the North Durham Family Health Team, who do not have access to health care benefits or an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through their employer.
Please note mental health programming through the North Durham Family Health Team is intended for patients with mild to moderate mental health concerns. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact:
Suicide Crisis Line: text 988
Durham Mental Health Services: 1-800-742-1890
Distress Centre Durham: 1-800-452-0688
Pride Line: 1-855-87PRIDE (77433)
The goal of therapy is to gain the skills to live a healthier, happier, more balanced life.
Therapists at the North Durham Family Health Team hold a Master of Social Work and are Registered with their respective College.
If you are interested in booking an appointment with our mental health team to discuss community resources, group programming or individual therapy, please book an intake appointment by clicking HERE or contacting our reception team at 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 203 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Nurse Practitioner Children's Clinic
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The Nurse Practitioners Children’s Clinic provides primary care for urgent needs
All children living in Port Perry and the surrounding North Durham Community, age birth to 18 years
To provide timely care for urgent paediatric needs
Nurse Practitioner
o Appointments are booked same day
o Appointments can be booked online by clicking HERE or by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
o Online booking and telephone booking opens at 8:00AM
o Spaces are limited
o Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
o Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9:00AM – 12:00 PM and 1:30PM – 3:00PM
Wednesday and Thursday 9:00AM – 12:00PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Nurse Practitioner Sexual Health Clinic
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
Provide individuals with sexual health concerns, treatment, information, education, counselling and referrals in a supportive, confidential and informative environment
Clients living in Port Perry and the surrounding North Durham Community
To provide timely access to services and prevent hospitalizations and ER visits
Nurse Practitioner
o Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
o Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
o Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9:00AM – 12:00 PM and 1:30PM – 3:00PM
Wednesday and Thursday 9:00AM – 12:00PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Clinic
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The Opioid Use Disorder Treatment (OUDT) Clinic is an interdisciplinary initiative to reduce opioid misuse and addiction in the North Durham Region.
This program involves assessment, education, and treatment for patients managing opioid addiction.
This clinic is intended for clients of a family physician of Medical Associates of Port Perry, who are managing opioid addiction.
This clinic is intended for clients of nurse practitioners of the North Durham Family Health Team, who are managing opioid addiction.
The goals of the OUDT clinic from an individual perspective are to reduce opioid cravings and withdrawal effects, while improving quality of life.
The goals of the OUDT clinic from a community perspective are to reduce opioid misuse, hospitalizations, and deaths overdose.
Registered Practical Nurse
We also collaborate with Lakeridge Health Pinewood for addiction counselling services.
o Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required
o Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
o Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
o Hours:
2-3 days weekly, with scheduled appointments only
Closed between 12:30PM - 1:30PM
Palliative Care Program
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The Palliative care program is intended to support those diagnosed with terminal illness
The nurse facilitates Hospice/Palliative Care services to those referred in the North Durham catchment area and continues to navigate with patients until end-of-life
Services provided:
Comprehensive pain and symptom management
Assist with goals of care and end of life planning
Collaborate with community services including:
Ontario Health at Home (Nursing, PSW and Allied health)
Social work services
Oak Ridges Hospice
VON Durham Hospice services
The program is intended for those diagnosed with a life-limiting (terminal) illness and their caregivers
Criteria for care by North Durham Family Health Team Palliative Physician Group include:
Cancer clients with prognosis < 6 months who are Palliative Performance Score (PPS) ≤ 50% regardless of goals of care
Non-cancer, non-dementia clients with prognosis < 3 months who are PPS ≤ 40% with goals of care aligned with comfort measures (i.e., no life-prolonging treatment or plan to return to acute care)
Dementia clients requiring in-home end-of-life care who are PPS ≤ 20% (drinking sips or northing by mouth)
To provide compassionate care to those diagnosed with a terminal illness and their caregivers, by caring for the whole person (physical, emotional and spiritual).
Palliative Care Nurse
o Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required and can be sent via Ocean MD online
o Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
o Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
o Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Pharmacy Program
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The North Durham Family Health Team Pharmacy program involves consultations to provide medication expertise and management. Some common services involve medication reconciliation, literature review for complex inquiries, and medication deprescribing.
Clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry
Clients of nurse practitioners of the North Durham Family Health Team
Our goals are to provide education, while ensuring safety and effectiveness of prescribed treatments.
Our team is made up of multiple clinical pharmacists who work with clients’ primary care providers.
Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is required
Appointments can be booked by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
Located in Suite 203 of the North Durham Health Centre
Monday-Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Smoking Cessation Program
We are an Ontario Health Funded service assisting clients in obtaining their best health.
The Smoking Treatment for Ontario Clients (STOP) Program is a province-wide initiative delivering smoking cessation treatment (up to 26-weeks of NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy) and counselling support to people who want to reduce/quit their tobacco use. These supports are available FREE of charge, through our partnerships with CAMH (The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) and OMSC (Ottawa Model of Smoking Cessation).
Participants must be able to pick up their Nicotine Replacement Therapy products at our office in Port Perry once every 4 weeks.
The STOP Program is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and accessed through The North Durham Family Health Team in Port Perry.
Clients of Medical Associates of Port Perry.
Clients of nurse practitioners of the North Durham Family Health Team.
Clients living in Port Perry and the surrounding North Durham Community.
To reach and support people who live in communities that face barriers in accessing care.
Registered Nurse
o Physician or Nurse Practitioner referral is welcome, and we also accept client self-referrals
o Appointments can be booked online by clicking HERE or by calling 905-985-2895 EXT 6070
o Our STOP program is available via telephone call or through an in-office appointment by arrangement.
o Located in Suite 108 of the North Durham Health Centre
o Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM.
Later appointment times can be arranged upon request
Closed between 12:30PM – 1:30PM
Unattached Patient Clinics
North Durham Family Health Team is collaborating with Medical Associates of Port Perry and Brock Community Health Centre to provide health care services to clients who do not have a primary care provider (e.g. family physician or nurse practitioner).
Clients living in Port Perry and the surrounding North Durham Community, who do not have a family physician or nurse practitioner.
To provide timely access to health care services and prevent hospitalizations or emergency department visits
Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse
If you live in the Township of Brock, your appointment will be scheduled at Brock Community Health Centre in Cannington. Please click here for more information and to book an appointment.
If you are on a waitlist for a physician at Medical Associates of Port Perry, your appointment will be scheduled at North Durham Health Centre. Please visit click here for more information and to book an appointment.
Looking for more information? Visit our Resources for helpful materials and links provided by our team of providers!
Learn about our latest events & workshops!
North Durham Family Health Team is committed to ensuring that our clients have access to timely, high-quality primary care medical services in our community.
In addition to individual provider appointments, many of our programs also offer special events and workshops!